Counterfeit banknote detector
The technical and methodological skill achieved by counterfeiters in recent years has made it increasingly difficult to distinguish real banknotes from fake ones. To avoid finding counterfeit money in your pocket, you can use the counterfeit banknote detector, a very useful device easily available on the market.
Blu-ray burner
The following guide describes the new technology of Blu Ray discs and burners, trying to clarify what they are, how they work and whether or not it is worth purchasing this product compared to HD DVD burners. In the final part of the guide, the main brands of Blu Ray burner manufacturing companies are presented.
Professional monitors
Guide to professional monitors Professional monitors for graphics professionals For years, Lacie, a large company which boasts a record as the best manufacturer of professional monitors, has launched a new product on the market: the Lacie 300 model professional monitors. These monitors are ideal, if not indispensable, for graphics and graphic design professionals. design. The… Continua a leggere Professional monitors
operating system
Operating system guide Features of the operating system Operating system, or system software, set of programs in a computer that controls the execution of user programs and the use of the hardware resources they use, acting as an interface between the hardware and the user who uses it. The operating system acts both as a… Continua a leggere operating system
Graphics tablet
In the populated world of computer peripherals, the graphics tablet represents a practical, creative and, if desired, economical solution for managing one's creativity. Designers, designers and graphic designers will find this tool, after a short and appropriate apprenticeship period, incredibly intuitive and exciting. Background Once upon a time there was drawing… We could start our… Continua a leggere Graphics tablet