Home burglar alarm: how to choose and install it

Category: Archive Home

home burglar alarm When installing a wireless alarm, one of the questions that arises is whether to protect the house from the outside or from the inside? This is not a trivial matter, in fact the effectiveness of an alarm system can be attributed above all to the design and installation phase. We must keep in mind that not all houses are the same, in fact apartments on the intermediate floors and without balconies are those at the lowest risk. If the access points are few and therefore mandatory, it is sufficient to equip oneself with a low number of sensors and therefore save money. The homes most at risk are isolated houses followed by ground floor apartments with terraces. At this point we have two types of sensors to use: the perimeter ones to protect the house from the outside, and the volumetric ones for protection from the inside. Obviously the best protection is given by the union of the two technologies so even if an attacker managed to overcome the perimeter protection he would be caught by the internal one. But let's study the two systems more closely. The perimeter sensors are mounted on the external openings of the house (for example: windows, shutters, etc…) creating a real defense wall. It is an excellent solution if we also want to activate night protection, in fact we can move around the house without problems without obviously triggering the alarm. Using this technology we have two advantages: we can also activate it with people or animals in the house, and during the installation phase it is possible to divide the house into areas and activate it only in some areas, in technical jargon it is said to partialize the alarm as it will work for the 'in fact only partially. Volumetric sensors can be considered the last bastion of defense if the thief has managed (but it is a very remote case) to sneak into the home anyway. Additional surveillance is therefore created by mounting inside, in particular areas that cover as much surface as possible, sensors that are able to detect a physical presence by monitoring a change in temperature (with infrared technology) or a movement ( microwave technology) , both technologies can be combined to have a dual technology sensor. Once an event has been intercepted, the sensor sends a signal to the control unit which in turn triggers the siren. The advantage of this technology lies in its speed, in fact even if you leave the house for a short time it will not be necessary to close all the windows, but the disadvantage is the impossibility of activating it with people inside. As regards the wireless or wired dilemma, from the point of view of use nothing changes, in fact the functioning of a system via radio is the same as that via cable, obviously what changes is the entire installation phase, which for as regards a wired system, it can be more difficult in do-it-yourself mode, while it is practically immediate for a wired system . There are two advantages in using a wireless anti-theft alarm system: the first and most important is that they allow you to avoid having to carry out building work with huge cost savings. The second advantage, as already mentioned, is given by the quick and simple installation, which can also be done yourself, with important savings in this case too.

Published: 2021-09-01From: Redazione

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