Decorative garden lights

Luci decorative da giardino
Category: Archive Gardening

In every type of garden, decorative lights are an important furnishing element designed to offer, at the same time, a wide range of functions. The most modern lighting techniques, in fact, allow the characteristics of a light point and the decorative function of an ornamental accessory to be combined in a single product. This is the case of lamps and light globes mounted on statues of different shapes and sizes: their valuable artistic workmanship plays an embellishing role during daylight hours and then illuminates the paths and plants when the sun sets. Depending on the type of space to be illuminated, it is possible to choose between different light intensities: some decorative lights are designed to emit a soft, soft light, while others allow you to obtain a more intense brightness. The characteristics of the latest generation garden lighting mean that their use is not limited to the summer months only: these lights, in fact, can give a touch of warmth and personality to outdoor environments even during the winter. Thanks to their modern technology, decorative garden lights adapt to all climates because they are not afraid of bad weather and are not affected by temperatures that are too cold or too high. Solar energy products, for example, in addition to offering significant energy savings, enhance the appearance of the garden in every season: very spectacular, for example, are the effects obtained with colored lights positioned in a snow-covered garden. With the right lighting it is possible to exploit some corners for ornamental purposes: a bare spot in the garden or with few plants, for example, can be filled with lanterns, statues and globes and thus transform into a characteristic area. What distinguishes some innovative items is their multifunctionality: torches and candles, for example, can be made with particular materials capable of keeping mosquitoes and other unwelcome insects away. There are also plant pots of various shapes and sizes on the market that light up in the dark, elegantly illuminating paths and flowerbeds. To light up the paths and other areas of the garden, fake rocks are also available with special internal cavities that contain scented candles or solar lamps. Small lights arranged in long rows are ideal for continuously illuminating driveways, bridges, gates, paths and pergolas. Among the most decorative objects, in these cases, there are lights that reproduce the appearance of flowers, leaves and animals such as butterflies, fireflies and birds. For the lighting of gazebos, galleries and porches, the small electric lights that follow the contours are of great effect; lanterns made of rice paper, fabric and other light materials to hang from trees or fences are particularly suitable for a summer party or for an intimate outdoor dinner. Depending on personal needs and tastes, it is possible to opt for different types of power, choosing between electricity, kerosene, rechargeable or "disposable" batteries, solar energy or classic candles. With their ability to create evocative chiaroscuro, candles are perfect near rose bushes or when you want a romantic atmosphere. Electric lights are ideal for rows of small bulbs, while solar energy is particularly suitable for lanterns, statues and other decorative lamps arranged in the avenues and in the spaces in front of the entrance: in this last type of lights it is possible adjust the intensity and set up automatic switching on, a very useful measure when you leave in the morning to return in the evening. Batteries, ideal for manual operation, are especially suitable for items that are used occasionally.

Published: 2015-04-26From: Redazione

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